Are you standing in the way of your financial success?Are you where you want to be, financially? Or, do you always feel like you’re chasing a pot of gold at the end of a distant rainbow? Chances are, your thoughts and money habits are blocking your access to abundance.

Money blocks are like an iceberg – although there are visible hints on the surface, your blocks run deep and far along below. Most are picked up from your parents, friends, and family in your youth without even realising.



Some common blocking habits are:

  • You tell yourself you’ll never be successful
  • You tell yourself you can’t afford it
  • You feel guilty when you ‘treat’ yourself to a guilty pleasure (like, new shoes)
  • You find it challenging to ‘receive’ gifts, compliments, or kind gestures from others
  • You keep focusing on areas where you’re not successful

Your negative emotions and limiting belief around success and money is blocking your access to success and money. So, try changing things up.

1. Define your version of success or, what does ‘rich’ mean to you?

Having more money usually means more debt. A bigger house. A fancier car. A better school. Always wanting that little bit more than you already have. But, you’re chasing a myth. More money doesn’t = more happiness.

Dig deep within your heart and ask yourself, what does ‘success’ mean to you? Is it about having a secret vault of money and a garage full of Lamborghinis? Or, is it just having enough to live comfortably in your home and take the family on a holiday each Christmas?

Figure out your purpose for life, and then set goals to help you succeed.

2. Identify your goals, and chip away at them little by little

Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither is your success. Instead of always telling yourself your goals or dreams are “impossible” or “too far away yet”, start with bite-sized goals and work your way along until you’ve climbed the colosseum.

What is important for you? Is it clearing a $20,000 debt? Is it putting more money away for your retirement fund? Is it building an emergency fund to support your family in the case of an unforeseen event? There’s a choice to be made. Start small and celebrate the wins.

3. Manifest your success with positive thinking

Instead of always telling yourself what you can’t have – start manifesting positive thoughts and actions so you can have!

What’s that saying we all love?

Ask and you shall receive.

Instead of always putting yourself down, accepting defeat, or acknowledging it’s just in your nature to always go over budget – nip those negative thoughts in the bud! Life is about choices.


Stop holding yourself back from financial success and start building new positive thought processes and habits around your wealth.

Try to change your thinking around money and move away from fear or this notion of ‘I don’t deserve it’. Clearly identify what it is you hope to achieve (receive) in life and then work towards realistic goals that help you get there. Because, earning money and building wealth is a cause and effect relationship.

Get in touch if you need a hand getting on top of your money habits.

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