How Much Money Should You Save Before Buying A House?

I’m keeping with the home buying theme again this week. A question I get asked often is – How much money do I need to save before I can buy a home? My answer is usually – how long is a piece of string?   Kidding. But, with so much…

5 Cheap Ways to Keep Fit When You’re on a Budget

When you’re looking to cut back on your spending, health and fitness is usually the first to face the big chop. Because, when you take out money for bills, rent, and coffee – the little money you have left must stretch a long way. But, there…

Needs v. Wants: How You Can Have Both and Still Save Money

If you feel guilty each time you spend money on your guilty pleasures – it’s time to reframe your thinking. Saving money isn’t always about sacrifice, of going ‘with’ or ‘without’. It’s knowing the difference between your needs…

5 Valuable Financial Skills I Wish Were Taught at School

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Remember when you were sitting uncomfortably in your poky school desk, harsh square chair jabbing you in your shoulder-blades, your prehistoric maths teacher explaining complex algebra equations – and you scratched your head and thought…

How Not To Blow Your Budget These School Holidays

Sometimes, life throws a spanner that stops the wheels from spinning. It doesn't matter how hard you've been saving over the past few months or how much you’ve improved your spending habits (thanks super budget!). It can all fly out the…

Are You Financially Fit? Why You Need A Check Up

Most people want to improve three things in life, their financial health, physical health, and mental health. My philosophy at Bright Future Financial is that we can’t have one without having them all.   Which is why each year I sit…