When you’re looking to cut back on your spending, health and fitness is usually the first to face the big chop. Because, when you take out money for bills, rent, and coffee – the little money you have left must stretch a long way. But, there are simple ways to keep you and your budget – fit.

It comes down to making your money work harder so you don’t have to. Like – your gym membership. Let’s be honest – gyms aren’t for everyone and can cost you around $1,200 per year! Imagine the difference that would make to your house deposit.
But, don’t despair! There’s a low-cost to cost-free fitness alternative waiting for you.

YouTube videos

Used to being slayed by a demanding personal trainer? The good news is a lot of your high-intensity workout routines are available for free on YouTube. In fact, one simple search for HIIT workouts returned 1,400,000 results! If you’re not into searching and just want the goods – check out

Fitness Blender


There’s a bright mix of free and paid fitness apps you can download on your phone. Whether you’re after a personalised yoga workout, or the diversity of a 30-day fitness challenge each month – there’s an app for you that will help squat kick your fitness goals without flatlining your budget.


Not something to be sneezed at – a brisk 15-minute walk each day can extend your life by 3 years! And, it cancels out those 3 squares of dark chocolate you just ate (bonus). Walking outside with nature also boosts your well-being and creative thinking.
Take my permission to invest your money in a good pair of shoes, grab your pup, and start pounding that pavement.

Council parks

Many local councils have introduced fitness trails / exercise equipment to their parks to provide an opportunity to get fit for free. Most are set up as a workout circuit and include instructions to use each device.
If you’re in Brisbane, Council also offer several free or low-cost group fitness activities as part of their Active Parks program.
Check out your council’s website to locate the fitness park closest to you.

Treasure hunting

Get online and search for fitness equipment giveaways or discounts. When people downsize or spring clean their home – they tend to give away items they no longer use (or, never used – treadmill anyone?) or sell them cheap to encourage the sale.
Check out Gumtree or Facebook’s Buy, Sell, or Swap pages and snap up a bargain! It’s not nearly as interesting as a hunt for buried Spanish treasure, but still, what you find will be worth its weight in… gold.

Sticking to a budget to meet a savings goal doesn’t mean you need to ditch your health and fitness goals. There’s an old Chinese proverb – A tightened purse doesn’t equal a saggy belly.

My belief is you need to find your balance.

How many times have you given up on a diet because you didn’t allow yourself any fun? Right? Introduce one of these options into your schedule and start working your money harder.

If you’ve got a cheap idea that keeps you and your budget fit – share it in the comments!

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