4 Tips To Stay Healthy At WorkYou spend a third of your life working – whether that’s working in an office for someone else, or working in your own office building your own business. But, how are you looking after your wellbeing when inside those four walls? 

We’re so driven to succeed; hit KPIs, achieve goals, and ‘make a killing’ that we often neglect our emotional and mental wellbeing in the process. Funny then, that improved wellbeing in the workplace leads to a better, more productive work day, and a more positive outlook on life. Who doesn’t want that? 

So, here are my top tips to help you stay healthy at work; 

1. Get Up and Move Around 

Yes, move! Stand up and stretch, walk around the office, visit a colleague on a different floor – make it a habit to get up and move around every hour. Sitting is said to be as harmful to your health as smoking. From my view, moving around and changing your scenery will give your brain an almighty boost – which will spark creativity and increase productivity. 


2. Add Plants and Greenery 

Add some indoor plants to your work space and reap multiple benefits. Luscious, green, happy plants not only look nice and make you feel happier, but they also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen – which means you’re getting fresher, more pure air to breathe in than the recycled building air. 


3. Spend Lunch Breaks or Coffee Breaks Outside 

Get outside with nature. Inhale the fresh oxygen, ground your feet in the grass, and enjoy the symphony of greens on your senses walking through the nearby parklands. Why not make it a team event? Instead of meeting in a stale, poky office – encourage your team to lace up and run a walking meeting instead. In addition to the proven health benefits of Vitamin D, absorbing nature helps us refocus, reset, and stress less.  


4. Meditate 

Plug in your earphones, load up an app, and meditate. Practice daily mindfulness to boost creativity, re-centre, refocus, reset, and power up those brain cells for enhanced productivity. If meditating is ‘not for you’ – take yourself away to a quiet, private space to help you concentrate and clear the office clutter. 


Contrary to popular belief – working less can improve your productivity and leads you to a healthier lifestyle. So, shake off those office shackles, let your mind unwind, and brighten up your workday for a more positive outlook and enhanced wellbeing. Because, the more positive you feel about your life, the more likely it is you’ll achieve your big-picture goals. 


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